
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas was published in 2017 and quickly became a groundbreaking work in contemporary young adult literature. The novel follows the life of Starr Carter, a 16-year-old African American girl who witnesses the police shooting of her childhood friend, Khalil. The story is set in the fictional neighborhood of Garden Heights, balancing the struggles of Starr’s dual life: the impoverished neighborhood where she lives and the affluent, mostly white private school she attends.

The novel explores themes of systemic racism, police brutality, and the importance of finding one's voice in the face of injustice. Set against the backdrop of the Black Lives Matter movement, The Hate U Give not only addresses critical social issues but also delves into the emotional and psychological impact of racial violence on individuals and communities. Angie Thomas weaves a powerful narrative that encourages readers to confront uncomfortable truths and engage in conversations about race and inequality.

The Hate U Give won several awards, including the Goodreads Choice Award for Young Adult Fiction (2017) and the Coretta Scott King Book Award (2018). In 2018, the novel was adapted into a film directed by George Tillman Jr. The adaptation received widespread acclaim for its faithful representation of the novel’s themes and characters, further amplifying the impact of the story. In 2021, Thomas followed up The Hate U Give with the novel Concrete Rose, which is a prequel to her 2017 work.

Read the full book summary, an in-depth character analysis of Starr Carter, and explanations of important quotes from The Hate U Give.

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