“This is not magic. This is the way the world is, only very few people take the time to stop and note it.”

During his conversation with Widget in “Stories,” the man in the grey suit explains that what Widget sees as magic is truly just a part of the world. He explains that most people don’t know what’s possible, so what they deem impossible gets labeled with the term “magic.” Moreover, he argues that most people would be afraid to live in a world where they had such knowledge, much like what happened with Tara Burgess earlier in the novel. This quote establishes his view that most people are unaware of the true nature of the world and adds dimension to his stance on the game he and Hector play. His philosophy about the ability to manipulate or enchant is that it means nothing if it cannot be taught. The quote reveals the central idea in the novel that magic is an inherent part of the world if one is only willing to learn how to see and use it.