Mrs. Whatsit is the youngest of the celestial beings that guide the children through time and space. When Meg and Charles Wallace meet her initially, she is wrapped in rags and could easily be mistaken for the town tramp, rumored to have stolen sheets from Mrs. Buncombe. However, as the story unfolds, the children realize Mrs. Whatsit has many forms, and she was once a star who sacrificed herself in the battle between good and evil. On the planet Uriel, Mrs. Whatsit transforms into a magnificent flying creature, another example of the many forms she can assume. Mrs. Whatsit’s lighthearted energy brings a youthful edge to the trio, and her adventurous spirit is an anchoring force along the children’s journey. Mrs. Whatsit aptly discerns and bestows individual gifts for each child on their quest, which are enhancements of qualities the characters already possess. Mrs. Whatsit is a critical voice of encouragement and her own bravery, balanced with vulnerability and spunk, galvanizes the children into their destinies.