Charles Wallace is the youngest member of the Murry family at five years old, yet he displays remarkable levels of intelligence and understanding. Charles Wallace is a representation of what could exist in the next generation, and Mrs. Murry describes him as “new,” suggesting that Charles Wallace possess a highly progressive mind. Though Charles’s mind is advanced, his emotions still have traces of early childhood in them, and his pride and arrogance end up being what “betrays” him, as Mrs. Whatsit warns.

In the beginning of the story, Charles Wallace’s unparalleled understanding allows him to communicate with Mrs. Whatsit and know when it is time for himself, Meg, and Calvin to begin the quest to find Mr. Murry. Throughout their journey, Charles Wallace acts as a translator of sorts, and his special abilities are essential to the success of the rescue mission. Charles Wallace is also able to experience the beauty of the other planets in a unique way, like when he understands bits of the angelic song on the planet Uriel.

However, on Camazotz, Charles Wallace is especially vulnerable to the evil that holds the planet captive, and despite the strong warning from Mrs. Whatsit, Charles overestimates his power to resist the hypnosis from The Man with the Red Eyes. While under IT’s control, his special abilities are stifled and his real self is buried deep under the weight of conformity. Despite his uncanny giftings, Charles Wallace is still in desperate need of love from his family, and his characterization shows that even unparalleled intelligence does not make one immune to basic human needs.