Bri Jackson

The novel’s protagonist and a 16-year-old aspiring rapper. Bri lives in the predominantly Black Garden Heights neighborhood and attends Midtown School of the Arts. Bri is talented and dreams of helping her family escape poverty by achieving success with her rap skills, but she is also hot-tempered and quick to anger. 

Read an in-depth analysis of Bri Jackson.

Jay Jackson 

Bri’s mom and a recovering drug addict who has just lost her job. Jay works hard to keep food on the table and a roof over Bri and Trey’s heads. Jay is firm but understanding with Bri. She wants what’s best for her family and sacrifices her own happiness for her kids. 

Read an in-depth analysis of Jay Jackson.

Aunt Pooh 

Bri’s aunt, Jay’s sister, and a member of the Garden Disciples gang. Aunt Pooh is a known drug dealer and, according to Bri, has probably been involved in violent crimes, but she seeks to shield Bri and the rest of her family from the violence of gang life. Aunt Pooh is also Bri’s biggest fan, but her loyalties are split between her niece and her gang.  

Read an in-depth analysis of Aunt Pooh.


Bri’s and Lawless’s manager, and the novel’s main antagonist. Supreme has become wealthy promoting rappers from Garden Heights. Supreme urges Bri and his other artists to get rich and famous by rapping about street violence.  

Read an in-depth analysis of Supreme.


One of Bri’s best friends since childhood, on whom she has a secret crush. Malik is Bri’s protector and supporter, but he’s not afraid to tell Bri when he thinks she is wrong. Malik is as fierce and passionate as Bri, and when they don’t see eye-to-eye, they tend to shut each other out. 


One of Bri’s and Malik’s best friends. Sonny is a hard-working student and a caring, honest, and funny friend. He is gay but he has only come out to Bri and Malik. When he starts a secret relationship with a mysterious boy online, Bri and Malik are encouraging and protective.  

Trey Jackson 

Bri’s 22-year-old brother and protector. Trey is a college graduate who worked hard in school so he could get out of Garden Heights, but when his mother loses her job, he puts his dreams of becoming a doctor on hold to move home and help out. Serious, practical, and unsentimental, Trey supports Bri’s dream of being a rapper but expects her to be realistic about her chances at success. 


Bri’s classmate and, later, her boyfriend. Curtis and Bri have known each other since they were little. Curtis, whose mother is in jail, understands, like Bri, what it’s like to feel abandoned. Curtis is Bri’s staunch defender when it seems nearly everyone else has turned against her. 


Bri’s late father and a famous underground rapper. Lawless was murdered by the Crowns when Bri was four, so Bri doesn’t remember much about him. She is often compared to him, and has mixed feelings when people call her “Li’l Law.” She feels inspired by her father and fiercely defends his honor, but she also wants to make a name for herself on her own. 


A teen rapper and Supreme’s son. His different names reflect his different personas. When he’s in the Ring, he’s the “swagerific” Milez, rapping in the false persona created by his father. As Rapid, he’s Sonny’s mysterious internet romance. By the end of the book, he’s Miles, revealing his true self.  


Bri’s classmate, Malik’s girlfriend, and a leader of the school’s Black and Latinx student coalition. Shana fiercely pursues what she believes is right and leads the students in standing up against Long and Tate.  


Bri’s paternal grandmother, who raised her and Trey when Jay was using. She often clashes with Jay, judging her parenting choices and insinuating that she still uses drugs. 


Bri’s paternal grandfather, who raised her and Trey when Jay was using. Generous and understanding, he frequently gives money to Jay to help pay the bills, much to his wife’s dismay. 

Dr. Cook 

The white superintendent at Bri’s high school. Publicly, he seems unsympathetic to the Black community’s anger over Bri’s assault at school, but privately, he apologizes to Bri for the school’s failure and later hires Jay as his secretary. 

DJ Hype 

Host of the rap battles at the Ring and a popular radio DJ. A notorious provocateur, DJ Hype supports Bri in the Ring when the crowd is behind her, but on his radio show, he picks a fight with her to stir up controversy and boost his ratings. 

Tate and Long 

Two security guards at Bri’s school with a reputation for racial profiling. Tate is white and Long is Black. 

Mrs. Murray 

Bri’s poetry teacher, ACT prep coach, and one of the few Black teachers at Bri’s school.  


A rapper from Garden Heights who recently got a million-dollar record deal. At Supreme’s request, he ghost-writes a song for Bri to record.   

Kayla/Ms. Tique 

Trey’s girlfriend and a young rapper who serves as inspiration for Bri. One of the few local female rappers Bri knows, Kayla independently funds her own music. 


Aunt Pooh’s loyal friend and a member of the Garden Disciples.  


A 10-year-old boy who idolizes Bri. He wants to join the Garden Disciples, but Aunt Pooh won’t let him.